Young & Awesome

After sex he felt energized, so he decided to work out. The combination made his arms pump up tremendously.

This had a date on it of 1998. It was a much larger drawing on a 14x11" paper, with an unusual (for me) use of perspective. I had to scan it in 2 pieces and paste in PhotoShop. The 2 close girls and him were drawn much larger than normal, leading to somewhat different appearance. This is probably also the largest set of girls I ever drew. This guy, when he grows up, will put all my other men to shame. I like the fact that this tries to tell a story. Also I like how you can make cheap-looking wallpaper in PhotoShop with two overlapping gradients.

He is 6'7, with a 55" chest, 27" waist, 38"thighs, and a 39" arm and 15" and 3.4" thick soft cock. The standing girl is 6' and 43-15-28.