Bill of the Beach 44

This is the last one of the series of sketches I did. I actually very roughly sketched this entire flashback in about 1 hour, but from the dates it looks like it took me one year (!) to ink and colour them all in. I did try some alternatives and that took some time, but actually what you see here is almost exactly the same as my quick sketch. I may want to return and add more of the early Bill before this final frame of the flashback. I will see if I can produce stuff faster next year. I have a lot of ideas but I don't have the free time to do this.

Full sequence can be read Here.


  1. You have more ideas?

    I had this idea of a scene where there is a small mountain of naked (unconscious) women laying on a bed. The mountain moves, snoring women dropping to either side as Bill emerges at the top.

  2. Showing some feats of strength from Bill is awesome! You need to do this more, women not only love Bill's virility, but also show of power and strength.
    A true alpha male!

  3. I really, really still want to see how little innocent Billy suddenly got hit by puberty.

  4. Druul here, and in keeping with a panel with a calendar in it, I will just wish KAZ a happy new 2020 and all the free time in it he can manage. Looking forward.

  5. Next year, you should make "Jill of the Beach" ;)

  6. Happy New Year man, I´m ur fan.
    We need to see more and more about Bill.

  7. Fuckin awesome. Worth the wait.

    Next I'd like to see a flash-forward rather than a flashback... what would he be like on a collage campus? Once he moves out and can do whatever he want, I imagine he would have a massive full time harem

    1. It'd be awesome to see older and bigger Bill.

  8. So, KAZ, are you planning on doing anything next? We all love your work and would enjoy to see something new.

  9. I've used an AI to make a photo of Bill.
